Ich arbeite gerade an einer Archiv erweiterung für mein Aktivitätsscript.
Nun möchte ich in einer Tabelle für jedes jahr eine zeile, in dieser zeile für jeden monat eine spalte und in den Monatsspalten das ergebnis für den betreffenden monat haben.
ich linke mal die sqlfrage und den aufbau der view datei.
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And [prefix]_wargaming_clans_members.Aktiv = 'J' Group By [prefix]_wargaming_clans_members.member_name, [prefix]_wargaming_clans_members.member_account_id) As erg Inner Join [prefix]_activities_punkte_archiv On [prefix]_activities_punkte_archiv.account_id = erg.member_account_id Group By [prefix]_activities_punkte_archiv.jahr, [prefix]_activities_punkte_archiv.monat, erg.member_name, (Case When isnull((erg.anzahl_cw + erg.anzahl_vs + erg.anzahl_sh) / erg.activitie_gesamt) Then 0 Else ((erg.anzahl_cw + erg.anzahl_vs + erg.anzahl_sh) / erg.activitie_gesamt) End ) Order By [prefix]_activities_punkte_archiv.jahr, [prefix]_activities_punkte_archiv.monat, activitie_gesamt Desc"; $entryArray = $this ->db()->query( $sql ); $activities = []; if ( empty ( $entryArray )) { return $activities ; } foreach ( $entryArray as $entries ) { $entryModel = new ArchivModel(); $entryModel ->setJahr( $entries [ 'jahr' ]); $entryModel ->setMonat( $entries [ 'monat' ]); $entryModel ->setMember_name( $entries [ 'member_name' ]); $entryModel ->setActivitie_gesamt( $entries [ 'activitie_gesamt' ]); $entryModel ->setAuszahlung( $entries [ 'auszahlung' ]); $activities [] = $entryModel ; } return $activities ; } public function getJahr( $clan_id ) { $sql = " Select ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.jahr From ilch_activities_punkte_archiv Where ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.clan_id = ".$clan_id." Group By ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.jahr Order By ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.jahr "; $entryArray = $this ->db()->query( $sql ); $jahr = []; foreach ( $entryArray as $entries ) { $entryModel = new ArchivModel(); $entryModel ->setJahr( $entries [ 'jahr' ]); $jahr [] = $entryModel ; } return $jahr ; } public function getMonat( $clan_id ) { $sql = " Select ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.jahr, ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.monat From ilch_activities_punkte_archiv Where ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.clan_id = ".$clan_id." Group By ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.jahr, ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.monat Order By ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.jahr, ilch_activities_punkte_archiv.monat "; $entryArray = $this ->db()->query( $sql ); $monat = []; foreach ( $entryArray as $entries ) { $entryModel = new ArchivModel(); $entryModel ->setJahr( $entries [ 'jahr' ]); $entryModel ->setMonat( $entries [ 'monat' ]); $monat [] = $entryModel ; } return $monat ; } public function getCountCW( $clan_id ){ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `[prefix]_activities_identifier` where `modus` = 'cw' AND `clan_id` = '" . $clan_id . "'" ; $count = $this ->db()->queryCell( $sql ); return $count ; } public function getCountVS( $clan_id ){ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `[prefix]_activities_identifier` where `modus` = 'vs' AND `clan_id` = '" . $clan_id . "'" ; $count = $this ->db()->queryCell( $sql ); return $count ; } public function getCountSH( $clan_id ){ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `[prefix]_activities_identifier` where `modus` = 'sh' AND `clan_id` = '" . $clan_id . "'" ; $count = $this ->db()->queryCell( $sql ); return $count ; } } |
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width: 100%; } th, td { padding: 8px 16px; background: rgba(9, 11, 12, 0.8);} th { background: rgba(9, 11, 12, 0.8); right: 0; border-top: 1px solid #292929; border-bottom: 1px solid #292929;} </style> <?php foreach ( $this ->get( 'wguser' ) as $wguser ) : ?> <?php $clantag = $wguser ->getClantag(); ?> <div align= "center" style= "color: #89c790;" ><h1><?= $this ->getTrans( 'menuArchiv' )?> | <?php echo $clantag ?></h1></div> <br> <br> <?php endforeach ; ?> <div class = "teams" > <?php if ( $this ->get( 'archiv' )): ?> <div class = "row" > <?php //var_dump($this->get('activities')); die(); if (!function_exists( 'colorByActivitie' )) { function colorByActivitie( $activitiepercent ) { if ( $activitiepercent <= 9.99) { $farbe = "#CD3333" ;} // rot if ( $activitiepercent >= 10) { $farbe = "#D7B600" ;} // gelb if ( $activitiepercent > 25) { $farbe = "#4C762E" ;} // gruen if ( $activitiepercent > 50) { $farbe = "#4A92B7" ;} // blau if ( $activitiepercent > 75) { $farbe = "#5A3175" ;} // lila return $farbe ; } } ?> <div class = 'table-responsive' > <!--Table--> <table class = "table" > <?php foreach ( $this ->get( 'jahr' ) as $jahr ):?> <tr><td> <!--Table--> <table class = "table" > <!--Table head--> <thead> <tr> <th colspan= "12" class = "text-center" style= "color: #89c790;" ><?php echo $jahr ->getJahr();?></th> </tr> </thead> <!--Table head--> <!--Table body--> <tbody> <tr> <?php foreach ( $this ->get( 'monat' ) as $monat ):?> <td> <table class = "table table-bordered table-hover" > <!--Table head--> <thead> <tr> <th class = "text-center" style= "color: #89c790;" > <?php echo $monat ->getMonat();?> </th> </tr> </thead> <!--Table head--> <!--Table body--> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table class = "table table-bordered table-hover" > <!--Table head--> <thead> <tr> <th > </th> <th class = "text-center" style= "color: #89c790;" ><?= $this ->getTrans( 'member_name' ) ?></th> <th > </th> <th class = "text-center" style= "color: #89c790;" ><?= $this ->getTrans( 'aktivitie_gesamt' ) ?></th> <th> </th> <th class = "text-center" style= "color: #89c790;" ><?= $this ->getTrans( 'auszahl_gesamt' ) ?></th> <th> </th> </tr> </thead> <!--Table head--> <!--Table body--> <tbody> <?php foreach ( $this ->get( 'archiv' ) as $archiv ):?> <tr> <td> </td> <td scope= "row" align= "center" style= "color:white;" ><?= $this ->escape( $archiv ->getMember_Name())?></td> <td> </td> <?php $colorActivitie_gesamt = colorByActivitie( round ( $this ->escape( $archiv ->getActivitie_gesamt()) * 100,2)); ?> <td align= "center" style= "background-color:<?=$colorActivitie_gesamt?>;color:white;" ><?php if ( $archiv ->getActivitie_gesamt() != NULL) { echo round ( $this ->escape( $archiv ->getActivitie_gesamt()) * 100,2);} else { echo "0" ;}?></td> <td> </td> <td align= "center" style= "color: #89c790;" ><?= $this ->escape( $archiv ->getAuszahlung())?></td> <td> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach ;?> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <?php endforeach ;?> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach ;?> </table> </div> <!-- Ace Responsive Menu --> <nav> <!-- Menu Toggle btn--> <div class = "menu-toggle" > <button type= "button" id= "menu-btn" > <span class = "icon-bar" ></span> <span class = "icon-bar" ></span> <span class = "icon-bar" ></span> </button> </div> <!-- Responsive Menu Structure--> <!--Note: declare the Menu style in the data-menu-style= "horizontal" (options: horizontal, vertical, accordion) --> <ul id= "respMenu" class = "ace-responsive-menu" data-menu-style= "horizontal" > <li> <a href= "<?=$this->getUrl(['module' => 'activities', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']) ?>" > <i class = "fa fa-home" aria-hidden= "true" ></i> <span class = "title" ><?= $this ->getTrans( 'menuTeams' )?></span> </a> </li> <li> <a href= "<?=$this->getUrl(['module' => 'activities', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'info']) ?>" > <i class = "fa fa-heart" aria-hidden= "true" ></i> <span class = "title" ><?= $this ->getTrans( 'menuInfo' )?></span> </a> </li> <li> <a href= "<?=$this->getUrl(['module' => 'activities', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'archiv']) ?>" > <i class = "fa fa-heart" aria-hidden= "true" ></i> <span class = "title" ><?= $this ->getTrans( 'menuArchiv' )?></span> </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> <?php else : ?> <?= $this ->getTrans( 'noTeams' ) ?> <?php endif ; ?> </div> <script> var $th = $( '.tableFixHead' ).find( 'thead th' ) $( '.tableFixHead' ).on( 'scroll' , function () { $th .css( 'transform' , 'translateY(' + this.scrollTop + 'px)' ); }); $(document).ready( function () { $( "#respMenu" ).aceResponsiveMenu({ resizeWidth: '768' , // Set the same in Media query animationSpeed: 'fast' , //slow, medium, fast accoridonExpAll: false //Expands all the accordion menu on click }); }); /* Ace Responsive Menu Plugin Version: 1.0 Author: Samson.Onna Email : samson3d@gmail.com ----------------------------------------*/ ( function ($) { $.fn.aceResponsiveMenu = function (options) { //plugin's default options var defaults = { resizeWidth: '768' , animationSpeed: 'fast' , accoridonExpAll: false }; //Variables var options = $.extend(defaults, options), opt = options, $resizeWidth = opt.resizeWidth, $animationSpeed = opt.animationSpeed, $expandAll = opt.accoridonExpAll, $aceMenu = $(this), $menuStyle = $(this).attr( 'data-menu-style' ); // Initilizing $aceMenu .find( 'ul' ).addClass( "sub-menu" ); 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} } //ToggleBtn Click $( '#menu-btn' ).click( function () { $aceMenu .slideToggle().toggleClass( 'hide-menu' ); }); // Main function return this.each( function () { // Function for Horizontal menu on mouseenter $aceMenu .on( 'mouseover' , '> li a' , function () { if ( $aceMenu .hasClass( 'collapse' ) === true) { return false; } $(this).off( 'click' , '> li a' ); $(this).parent( 'li' ).siblings().children( '.sub-menu' ).stop(true, true).slideUp( $animationSpeed ).removeClass( 'slide' ).removeAttr( 'style' ).stop(); $(this).parent().addClass( 'menu-active' ).children( '.sub-menu' ).slideDown( $animationSpeed ).addClass( 'slide' ); return ; }); $aceMenu .on( 'mouseleave' , 'li' , function () { if ( $aceMenu .hasClass( 'collapse' ) === true) { return false; } $(this).off( 'click' , '> li a' ); $(this).removeClass( 'menu-active' ); $(this).children( 'ul.sub-menu' ).stop(true, true).slideUp( $animationSpeed ).removeClass( 'slide' ).removeAttr( 'style' ); return ; }); //End of Horizontal menu function // Function for Vertical/Responsive Menu on mouse click $aceMenu .on( 'click' , '> li a' , function () { if ( $aceMenu .hasClass( 'collapse' ) === false) { //return false; } $(this).off( 'mouseover' , '> li a' ); if ($(this).parent().hasClass( 'menu-active' )) { $(this).parent().children( '.sub-menu' ).slideUp().removeClass( 'slide' ); $(this).parent().removeClass( 'menu-active' ); } else { if ( $expandAll == true) { $(this).parent().addClass( 'menu-active' ).children( '.sub-menu' ).slideDown( $animationSpeed ).addClass( 'slide' ); return ; } $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass( 'menu-active' ); $(this).parent( 'li' ).siblings().children( '.sub-menu' ).slideUp().removeClass( 'slide' ); $(this).parent().addClass( 'menu-active' ).children( '.sub-menu' ).slideDown( $animationSpeed ).addClass( 'slide' ); } }); //End of responsive menu function }); //End of Main function } })(jQuery); </script> |
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vielleicht kann mir ja jemand einen tip geben, oder helfen.
Hab viel schon versucht. aber bin ratlos
verwendete ilch Version: 2.1.x
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