so habe das teil installiert und es werden die bilder angezeigt, wenn ich aber draufklicke kommt eine fehlermeldung
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$galink = "/index.php?m=picofx&um=showimg&category=$galord&img=$galpic";
<?php ## geändert by .:-b2k-:. | dRpR0fF35s0r defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); # mini config $img_per_site = $allgAr['gallery_imgs_per_site']; $img_per_line = $allgAr['gallery_imgs_per_line']; function count_files ( $category ) { $o = opendir('include/images/pics'); $counter = 0; $category_length = strlen ( $category ); while ($f = readdir ($o)) { if($f != '.' && $f != '..' AND substr ( $f , 0, $category_length ) == $category AND strpos ($f, '.') !== FALSE AND strpos ($f, '_small.') === FALSE AND strpos ($f, '.txt') === FALSE) { $counter++; } } closedir($o); return ($counter); } switch ( $um ) { default : $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Pic of the Moment'; $hmenu = 'Pic of the Moment'; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu ); $design->header(); $tpl = new tpl ( 'gallery' ); $tpl->out(0); $class = 'Cnorm'; $o = opendir('include/images/pics'); while ($f = readdir ($o)) { if($f != '.' && $f != '..' AND strpos ($f, '.') === FALSE) { $class = ( $class == 'Cmite' ? 'Cnorm' : 'Cmite' ); $number_of_files = count_files ($f); $ar = array ( 'class' => $class, 'numfiles' => $number_of_files, 'category' => $f ); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar,1); } } closedir($o); $tpl->out(2); $design->footer(); break; case 'showcat' : $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Pic of the Moment :: Bilder der Category '.$_GET['category']; $hmenu = '<a class="smalfont" href="?m=picofx">Gallery</a><b> » </b>Bilder der Category '.$_GET['category']; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu ); $design->header(); $tpl = new tpl ( 'gallery_showcat' ); $tpl->set_out('category',$_GET['category'],0); $category_length = strlen ( $_GET['category'] ); $inhalt = array(); $o = opendir('include/images/pics'); while ($f = readdir ($o)) { if($f != '.' && $f != '..' AND substr ( $f , 0, $category_length ) == $_GET['category'] AND strpos ($f, '.') !== FALSE AND strpos ($f, '_small.') === FALSE AND strpos ($f, '.txt') === FALSE) { $inhalt[] = $f; } } closedir($o); if(empty($_GET['page'])) { $_GET['page'] = 1; } $page = $_GET['page']; $total = count($inhalt); $maxpage = 1; $MPL = ''; $tr = 0; if ($img_per_site < $total) { $maxpage = ceil($total / $img_per_site); } for($i=1; $i <= $maxpage; $i++) { if($i == $page) { if($maxpage == $i) { $MPL .= ' '.$i.' '; } else { $MPL .= " $i |"; } } elseif($maxpage == $i) { $MPL .= '<a href="?m=picofx&um=showcat&category='.$_GET['category'].'&page='.$i.'"> '.$i.'</a>'; } else { $MPL .= '<a href="?m=picofx&um=showcat&category='.$_GET['category'].'&page='.$i.'"> '.$i.'</a> |'; } } $class = 'Cnorm'; $anfang = ($page - 1) * $img_per_site; $ende = $anfang + $img_per_site; if ($ende > $total) { $ende = $total; } for($i=$anfang;$i<$ende;$i++) { $ver = $inhalt[$i]; $class = ( $class == 'Cmite' ? 'Cnorm' : 'Cmite' ); if ($tr < 1) { echo '<tr>'; $tr = 1; } else { $tr++; } $arSp = explode('.',$ver); $txt = ''; if ( file_exists ( 'include/images/pics/'.$arSp[0].'.txt' ) ) { $txt = implode('',file ( 'include/images/pics/'.$arSp[0].'.txt' )); } $ar = array ( 'txt' => $txt, 'smallimg' => $arSp[0].'_small.'.$arSp[1], 'img' => $ver, 'class' => $class ); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar,1); if ($tr >= $img_per_line) { echo '</TR>'; $tr = 0; } } $tpl->set_out('mpl',$MPL,2); $design->footer(); break; case 'showimg' : $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Pic of the Moment :: außer Betrieb'; $hmenu = 'Pic of the Moment<b> » </b>außer Betrieb'; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 0 ); $design->header(); $category_length = strlen ( $_GET['category'] ); $inhalt = array(); $o = opendir('include/images/pics'); while ($f = readdir ($o)) { if($f != '.' && $f != '..' AND substr ( $f , 0, $category_length ) == $_GET['category'] AND strpos ($f, '.') !== FALSE AND strpos ($f, '_small.') === FALSE AND strpos ($f, '.txt') === FALSE) { $inhalt[] = $f; } } closedir($o); if (!isset($_GET['p'])) { $_GET['p'] = array_search ($_GET['img'],$inhalt); } $vor = $_GET['p'] + 1; $bac = $_GET['p'] - 1; $total = count($inhalt); $bac = ( $bac < 0 ? '' : '<a href="?m=picofx&um=showimg&category='.$_GET['category'].'&p='.$bac.'">vorheriges</a>' ); $vor = ( $vor >= $total ? '' : '<a href="?m=picofx&um=showimg&category='.$_GET['category'].'&p='.$vor.'">nächstes</a>' ); echo '<center><font size="+2" PicofX Archiv</font><br><br><center>'; echo ' <BR>'.$bac.' | '.$vor.'<br><br>'; echo '<br /><IMG SRC="include/images/pics/'.$inhalt[$_GET['p']].'">'; $design->footer(); break; } ?>
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